General Information
We offer a blended schedule of telephone and in-office appointments to our patients, all of which are pre-booked.
Please call to book well in advance whenever possible. As we realize illnesses cannot be scheduled, we will try to connect our patients with a doctor in an emergency situation.
Some problems may require earlier attention than others. It is helpful for the receptionist to know what your problem is so time may be scheduled efficiently. If your doctor is away, or fully booked, another doctor will usually be available to see you.
For prescription renewals please make a telephone appointment with your doctor to review the use and need for your medication. Renewal appointments should be booked as soon as you pick up your last refill of medication.
Appointment Information
Please specify when making your appointment if your visit is related to an injury at work. Please stop at the front desk before each and every appointment related to your injury to start a new electronic form for your visit and thus ensuring unavoidable delays to your claim.
Please specify when making your appointment if your visit is related to a motor vehicle accident as visits for ICBC are coded differently to MSP.
No-Show Fees
As there is great need for care in our community, it is important you cancel any appointments which you cannot attend. For our General Practitioners, a no-show fee of $85 will be charged for missed appointments. For Dr. Z, our Podiatrist, please provide at least 48 hours cancellation notice – due to wait list and number of no shows we must charge full visit fee for missed appointments.
Visits not covered by the Medical Services Plan (MSP)
Medical Forms & Form Fees: MSP does not pay for the cost of visits related to filling out forms for third parties such as employment, school, insurance, driver’s license medicals, diver’s medicals, first aid medicals, M.O.T.’s, etc. We ask you to inform the receptionist at the time of booking if your visit pertains to the above so time is correctly allocated and you are informed of the associated fee.
Warts and Excisions: Warts are not covered by MSP unless they are plantar warts or warts that are causing a medical problem to be determined by your physician. Excisions for moles, skin tags, etc. are only covered by MSP if medically necessary.
Book Your Next Visit
Looking for a Family Doctor?
Our Clinic does not keep a waitlist or accept walk-in patients. When a physician at the Caledonian Clinic is accepting new patients, they take them on via the BC Health Connect Registry.
British Columbians who live in Nanaimo have the opportunity to register for a family doctor or nurse practitioner through the Health Connect Registry.
Complete the registration form online at
or if you are unable to register online call HealthLinkBC at 8-1-1 (7-1-1 for deaf or hard of hearing)
Once registered, you will be contacted directly when a primary care provider is available.